Web2 words with repeated sequences of five or more letters. (Since
generating this list I've learned that words with repeated sequences of letters
are called tautonyms; these aren't all according-to-Hoyle tautonyms because
the repeated sequences aren't always adjacent. "True" tautonyms are
colored blue, below.)
- acetonylacetone
- ambilateralaterally
- auriculoventricular
- boogiewoogie
- cardiopericarditis
- cardipericarditis
- chincherinchee
- coracoprocoracoid
- cuggermugger
- cylindrocylindric
- denationalization
- derationalization
- enteromesenteric
- gastrogastrotomy
- huggermugger
- huggermuggery
- hydrophobophobia
- internationalization
- kerrikerri
- killeekillee
- kinnikinnick
- laryngopharyngeal
- laryngopharyngitis
- maxillopremaxillary
- methylethylacetic
- micromicrofarad
- micromicron
- miminypiminy
- nationalization
- ophthalmophthisis
- overnationalization
- pathologicohistological
- pathologicopsychological
- pharyngolaryngeal
- pharyngolaryngitis
- philophilosophos
- phyllophyllin
- physicophysiological
- quadriquadric
- quaverymavery
- quinaquina
- rationalization
- roughwrought
- seminationalization
- strumstrum
- sulphosulphurous
- supersuperabundance
- supersuperabundant
- supersuperabundantly
- supersuperb
- supersuperior
- tangantangan
- thyroparathyroidectomize
- thyroparathyroidectomy
- toodleloodle
- triangulotriangular
- undergrounder
- vocationalization
- zoologicoarchaeologist
2000–2025 Robert Dickau.
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